Tuesday 30 November 2010

What are 'codes and conventions'?

‘Codes and conventions’ is a term used to describe all things which can be associated with a text; this is why we sometimes use the phrase ‘generic codes and conventions’ to often refer to the signifiers (an alternative term for a sign in semiology). The signifier can be an image, sound or word, this particular term is used to emphasise the fact that the signifier is only in existence to represent the ‘signified’ (in other words the thing itself). We can expect to see certain signifiers within a specific genre. Take for instance the genre ‘horror’ the signifiers we can expect to find within a horror would include images such as blood, images to do with darkness, evil and possibly the supernatural. The sound signifiers normally found in the genre of horror films are usually very sharp and disturbing to create a menacing tone. The words related to the genre of horror are normally quite unsettling; words which make a person feel uncomfortable.

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