Wednesday 8 December 2010

Research into the genre of 'Horror'

The video above shows some of the basic themes and character which can be expected to be found within the genre of 'horror'. Most of these characteristics are the basis of any horror movie project. The following quotes show some other thoughts about the genre:

"This predilection for art that promises we will be frightened by it, shaken by it, at times repulsed by it seems to be as deeply imprinted in the human psyche as the counter-impulse toward daylight, rationality, scientific skepticism, truth and the "real." ... And this is the forbidden truth, the unspeakable taboo--that evil is not always repellent but frequently attractive; that it has the power to make of us not simply victims, as nature and accident do, but active accomplices."
-Joyce Carol Oates

The quote above highlights the emotions which can be expected by the audience to have from viewing various elements of a horror film such as being frightened, shaken etc.

"...Many of the feelings that typically attend being horrified are intrinsically unpleasant; for they include gagging, nausea, choking, stomach churning, tenseness, a creepy or crawling sensation, felt in the flesh, and so on."
-Noel Carroll

The quote above emphasises some of the feelings typically associated with an audience throughout the duration of a horror film. The most common would be horrified by the extremism the characters are presented in (such as 'The Excorcism'-1973); stomach churning from the often excruciating pain characters can sometimes be put through in a scene of violence(take for instance any 'Saw' film)and finally the tenseness of the unknown (this is a feeling experienced from not knowing what is going to later happen in the film or the fear of not knowing when something bad is going to happen a prime example of this would be 'Paranormal Activity'-2007).

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